Microbial & Infectious disease pathology
Microbial pathology is the study of the molecular mechanisms employed by microbes to cause sickness in humans and animals. Bacterial, protozoan, plant life and infectious agent pathogens have evolved a good form of tools to ascertain themselves within the host and gain nutrients that conjointly cause harm and sickness.
Microbial pathogenesis is the mechanism by which different microbes cause infectious diseases in human body. It includes both cellular and molecular level interactions between the pathogens and the host tissue. These interactions leads to immune response in the host body
The Infectious Diseases Pathology Branch (IDPB) is the primary unit within CDC responsible for conducting laboratory studies and investigations of infectious disease of unknown etiologies. Additionally, IDPB works to identify new or previously unrecognized pathogens.
Research within the Infectious Disease focus ranges from studies of pathogen structure and biology to the investigation of pathogenetic mechanisms in the context of animal and cell culture models, and also includes translational studies that connect these models to human disease
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