Track Categories
The track category is the heading under which your abstract will be reviewed and later published in the conference printed matters if accepted. During the submission process, you will be asked to select one track category for your abstract.
Clinical pathology is a medical specialty that is concerned with the diagnosis of disease based on the laboratory analysis of bodily fluids such as blood and urine, as well as tissues, using the tools of chemistry, clinical microbiology, hematology, and molecular pathology. Clinical pathologists work in close collaboration with medical technologists, hospital administrations, and referring physicians. Clinical pathologists learn to administer several visual and microscopic tests and an especially large variety of tests of the biophysical properties of tissue samples involving automated analyzers and cultures. Sometimes the general term "laboratory medicine specialist" is used to refer to those working in clinical pathology, including medical doctors and Doctor of Pharmacology.[8] Immunopathology, the study of an organism's immune response to infection, is sometimes considered to fall within the domain of clinical pathology
Clinical pathology covers a wide range of laboratory functions and is concerned with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease. Clinical pathologists are healthcare providers with special training who often direct all of the special divisions of the lab. This may include the blood bank, clinical chemistry and biology, toxicology, hematology, immunology and serology, and microbiology. Clinical pathology also involves maintenance of information systems, research, and quality control.
Chemical pathologists are qualified doctors who combine practical laboratory and clinical skills. They use biochemical laboratory tests to diagnose disease and to manage patients. Chemical pathologists have a detailed understanding of biochemical processes and changes that occur in disease.
Chemical pathology as a sub-specialty within pathology extends across most medical specialties and involves the chemical analysis of bodily fluids (blood - whole blood, serum or plasma; urine; cerebrospinal fluid; and other fluids such as effusions, seminal fluid, sweat and amniotic fluid) to assist in the diagnosis of various disease processes. Laboratory medicine in general and Chemical Pathology in particular is therefore an essential tool to assist clinicians in the diagnosis of various disorders, as well as management and follow-up of patients.
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Veterinary pathology is the science that reviews malady in creatures. The significance of Veterinary pathology is:
Diagnosing malady in buddy creatures, zoo creatures, and natural life. Veterinary pathologists inspect tissues and body liquids to analyze infection and anticipate results.
Diagnosing malady in sustenance creating creatures. Veterinary pathologists keep up crowd wellbeing and build up if there is a hazard to people who handle or devour results of nourishment creatures.
Contributing to medication revelation and security. Veterinary pathologists serve as key individuals from pharmaceutical innovative work groups.
Conducting research. Veterinary pathologists contemplate illnesses of various species and are in this manner particularly fit the bill to perform studies to propel our comprehension of the reason for ailment in creatures and people and in addition studies to grow new strategies to forestall and treat maladies.
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Experimental pathology, also known as investigative pathology, is the scientific study of disease processes through the microscopic or molecular examination of organs, tissues, cells, or body fluids from diseased organisms. It is closely related, both historically and in modern academic settings, to the medical field of pathology.
Experimental Pathology will introduce students to the practical methods used to understand the nature and cause of disease.
Experimental Pathology, otherwise called investigative pathology is the logical investigation of decease procedures through the microscopic or atomic examination of organs, tissues, cells, or body liquids from infected organisms. It is firmly related, both verifiably and in advanced modern settings, to the medicinal field of pathology.
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The Pediatric and Perinatal Pathology Department of Pathology focuses on the study of the placenta, fetus, and neonate.
Paediatric pathology is similar to histopathology but slanted towards children. Many of the diseases they present are different from diseases in adults, and some of the changes can be delicate. Paediatric pathology is generally based in specialist children's hospitals which are tertiary referral centres, so the scope of diseases is large and cases can be quite challenging.
Perinatal pathology is the study of the fetus and the newborn. A perinatal pathologist is concerned to have practiced knowledge with normal fetal development, congenital abnormalities, and problems during pregnancy, labour, and early neonatal life.
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The Head and Neck/Endocrine Pathology Unit of the Department of Pathology and Cell Biology focuses on mucosal and mesenchymal lesions of the upper aerodigestive tract as well as lesions of the thyroid and parathyroid glands, eye and orbit, and other sites.
Head and Neck Pathology provides comprehensive consultative expertise and services relating to disorders of the head and neck regions, including salivary glands and nasal sinuses
The Head and Neck Pathology Service provides comprehensive diagnostic expertise and services relating to the pathology of disorders of the head and neck regions including thyroid and parathyroid. Both surgical and cytopathology specimens are accepted. In addition to evaluation by conventional histology or cytology, a variety of specialized immunological and molecular tests are routinely available.
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Microbial pathology is the study of the molecular mechanisms employed by microbes to cause sickness in humans and animals. Bacterial, protozoan, plant life and infectious agent pathogens have evolved a good form of tools to ascertain themselves within the host and gain nutrients that conjointly cause harm and sickness.
Microbial pathogenesis is the mechanism by which different microbes cause infectious diseases in human body. It includes both cellular and molecular level interactions between the pathogens and the host tissue. These interactions leads to immune response in the host body
The Infectious Diseases Pathology Branch (IDPB) is the primary unit within CDC responsible for conducting laboratory studies and investigations of infectious disease of unknown etiologies. Additionally, IDPB works to identify new or previously unrecognized pathogens.
Research within the Infectious Disease focus ranges from studies of pathogen structure and biology to the investigation of pathogenetic mechanisms in the context of animal and cell culture models, and also includes translational studies that connect these models to human disease
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Molecular pathology is the study and diagnosis of disease through the examination of molecules within organs, tissues or bodily fluids. Molecular pathology shares some aspects of practice with both anatomic pathology and clinical pathology, molecular biology, biochemistry, proteomics and genetics, and is sometimes considered a "crossover" discipline. It is multi-disciplinary in nature and focuses mainly on the sub-microscopic aspects of disease.
Molecular pathology is commonly used in diagnosis of cancer and infectious diseases. Techniques are numerous but include quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), multiplex PCR, DNA microarray, in situ hybridization, in situ RNA sequencing, DNA sequencing, antibody-based immunofluorescence tissue assays, molecular profiling of pathogens, and analysis of bacterial genes for antimicrobial resistance.
It is a scientific discipline that encompasses the development of molecular and genetic approaches to the diagnosis and classification of human diseases, the design and validation of predictive biomarkers for treatment response and disease progression, the susceptibility of individuals of different genetic constitution to develop disorders.
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Renal biopsies are assessed routinely by the three modalities of light microscopy, immunofluorescence microscopy, and electron microscopy. Study of tissues for disease biomarkers are performed in few and selected cases.
Renal Pathology is a sub-specialty of anatomic pathology and thus deals with the kidney diagnosis. Renal Pathologists, Nephrologists and transplant surgeons closely work together in the diagnosis of renal system. They all together obtain diagnostic which indicate percutaneous renal biopsy.
Renal ailment may influence the glomerulus, tubules and vessels. The renal pathologist study findings from light microscopy, electron microscopy to obtain diagnosis. Renal disease may affect the glomerulus, tubules and vessels
The essential organs of the urinary system are the kidneys, which are bean-formed organs that are found just beneath the rib confine amidst the back. The kidneys expel urea squander item shaped by the breakdown of proteins from the blood through little sifting units called nephrons. Every nephron comprises of a ball framed of little blood vessels, called a glomerulus, and a little tube called a renal tubule. Urea, together with water and other waste substances, forms the urine as it flows through the nephrons and down the renal tubules of the kidney. It results into Proliferation, migration, cell differentiation and also induction.
Analysis of these describes about the abnormalities caused in Kidneys & Urinary Tract Pathology.
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Pulmonary pathology is a subspecialty of anatomic (and especially surgical) pathology that deals with diagnosis and characterization of neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases of the lungs and thoracic pleura. Diagnostic specimens are often obtained via bronchoscopic transbronchial biopsy, CT-guided percutaneous biopsy, or video-assisted thoracic surgery. These tests can be necessary to diagnose between infection, inflammation, or fibrotic conditions.
Although the pathogens and their mechanics differ greatly from those of animals, plants are subject to a wide variety of diseases, including those caused by fungi, oomycetes, bacteria, viruses, viroids, virus-like organisms, phytoplasmas, protozoa, nematodes and parasitic plants. Damage caused by insects, mites, vertebrate, and other small herbivores is not considered a part of the domain of plant pathology. The field is connected to plant disease epidemiology and especially concerned with the horticulture of species that are of high importance to the human diet or other human utility.